Electrical expertise you can trust.

Committed to the electrical industry and energy traders. offering a wide range of services and superior customer service.



If your dwelling has been disconnected from a power supply for longer than six months, you will need a COV (Certificate of Verification) prior to your retailer reconnecting your power. Our qualified Electrical Inspectors provide a visual inspection of the wiring and written COV.


An ROI is a formal document detailing the inspection of a high-risk prescribed electrical work (PEW) as required by Regulation 72 of the Electrical Safety Regulations Act 2010. Our Electrical Inspectors carry out the inspection and necessary tests and provides a legally recognisable written record of what high-risk PEW was inspected and by whom, and this is logged off into the Electricity and Gas High-Risk Database.


A current Warrant of Electrical Fitness is required before a motorhome/caravan/portable building can be connected to the 230 volt supply system. The electrical WOF is valid for four years from month of issue. A warrant can only be issued by a Registered Electrical Inspector. Our Inspectors carry out the Electrical WOF and issues a written WOEF and WOF sticker.